Hi, I'm Madeleine Woolgar
Speaker & Coach to Heart-led Mums
Eternal Optimist
Lover of all things chocolate
A bit about Madeleine...
After a career in marketing and events, Madeleine began to work with families with children who were autistic and had challenging behaviours. She worked all over the world, working 1:1 with children, and training the teams and parents who supported them.
In this work, Madeleine experienced first-hand how challenging some children's behaviour can be (she's been bitten, hit, kicked, threatened, had her hair torn out, and had screwdrivers flung at her to name just a few). Madeleine learnt how to dig deep in order to stay calm and loving in the face of challenge in order to help these children, a path she now helps so many mums to tread. She teaches from experience.
This work taught Madeleine that there is always a reason for a child’s more challenging behaviour, and that once we aim to understand it (and not judge it) we become much more able to lovingly help the child and reduce the behaviour.
Madeleine is passionate about helping mums go from stressed and overwhelmed to confident and more in love with their parenting. She sees first-hand with the mums she works with that this shift supercharges their ability to help their child in their more challenging moments.
Madeleine lives in Bath, UK, and coaches mums (and some dads) all across the world through her online 1:1 and group coaching programs.
Want to experience having Madeleine in your corner? Start here.

"I am extremely grateful to you for the work we did together. I was in the deepest, darkest hole at the time and I felt very safe with you. Thank you so much."